What is HTTPA Protocol and How it has Access to our Data


Currently, most people feel comfortable conducting financial transactions on the Internet. The cryptographic schemes that protect credit card purchases have proved reliable for years. So as you increase the amount of information circulating on the Internet about us, our main concern is becoming accidental misuse of persons authorized to access the same: new stories about private information being accidentally filtered by constantly appearing fault service providers or agencies. But on the other hand, overly restrict access to data could undermine the very possibility of sharing, and no one wants-for example stop receiving quality medical care because health institutions are not able to coordinate their information.

Thus, researchers Decentralized Information Group of the Laboratory of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence research team have assessed the problem and come to a conclusion: the solution can be found on transparency rather than opaque. His proposal is a protocol that has been called ‘HTTPA’ (‘HTTP accountable’), which will make an automatic tracking of transmitting private data, allowing the data owner to examine how they are used.

The research group is led by Tim Berners-Lee (inventor of the World Wide Web) and shares offices with another organization headed by him, the W3C. While the second oversees the development of the great Internet protocols (HTTP, XML, CSS, etc.), the first mission is to develop new technologies that exploit these protocols.

At a conference on security and privacy presented a paper that will serve to give an overview of the HTTPA: With this technology, each element of private user information is assigned its own URI (Uniform Resource Identifier), a new set of technologies, key in shaping the Semantic Web, which essentially turns the web into a collection of text files ready for viewing within a large database.

The remote server access would be controlled, as now, with passwords and encryption, but once they begin to send sensitive data, be sent along with them a description of the restrictions on the use of data. “It is not so difficult to transform an existing website into a website HTTPA. In every HTTP request, the server should say ‘OK, here are the restrictions on the use of these data, ” and record the transaction in network of special-purpose servers.” It is this network of servers where heavy labor occurs: When the data holder requesting an audit, the servers run through the chain of blocks (similar to that found in Bitcoin) identifying all persons who have accessed data, and what they have done with them.

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